Hey, how are you guys? It is HighDiscountShop here and we will take a look at theBeats By Dr. Dre Stduio in white. I bought these a couple of weeks ago and I think I’m ready to do the review now.
$169.00 Beats By Dr. Dre Studio Headphones (White) on www.HighDiscountShop.com Free Shipping Your Home
So here’s the box of Beats By Dr. Dre Studio Headphones (White). The guys are prettty awesome. They do spend a lot of time on the packaging.
There it is we open the box up. There’s the instructional manual and warranty. Here you also get this plug for airplanes and you get this touring case right here. And you also get this calbe right here which is for iPhone, Blackberry and iPod. As you can see, there’s a clicker on the calbe. You cannot click on the side, you can only click in the middle if you want to switch songs or thinds like that. So the clicker is not bad.
Let’s look at the headphones themselves. As you can see there it is a pair of Beats by Dr. Dre Studio in white. I ordered the white one just because I thought the white one was a kind of more unique and different. Just because they sold a lot of black versions. People have the black Beats Studio everywhere. So I bought the white one. The white pair looks pretty nice. Here’s the close look for you guys. It says “beats by dr. dre” on the top, by dr. dre right there a kind of like grey and beats in kind of black.
They are not wireless but there’s a cable that you can plug in — a red cable. A very nice cable, really really nice. I’m very very impressed with this cable. And that really cool feature is that you can plug it in anytime you want. So you don’t have to always keep it in there. So that’s a really nice feature. I really like that. The cable is ver nice. As you can see it is pretty thick compared to other headphones. And it does not tangle. Very nice cable, I really enjoy this cable. You can tangle the cable like this or like that, but it is still fine. You can plug it in the headphones very easily and the other end into your iPhone, Blackberry or iPod. That’s pretty cool. I really like the cable.
Let’s move on.
So let’s take a look at the switch. A lot of people don’t really know this but this is for power on and power off. So you can power them on and power them off, which is really nice. As you can see, when I switch the switch, the light turns red and that means they are on. And when you have done you can turn them off, which is really nice because they are running on batteries and this will save batteries for you.
And also very cool feature right here is you can kind of press right there to mute the sound. So when you’re listening to the music and someone’s talking to you, you can hold this down to mute the sound. It does not stop your music or pause your music. The music keeps playing but it just cuts off the whole volume. This is a really nice feature I really like it. And once I push that, I can hear everything perfectly. It’s amazing. I really like that feature as well. On the other side, not a lot of people know of this, but you can twist the cover, pop it up and there are the batteries as you can see. I heard people are saying that they do drain the batteries just a little bit, I just want to let you know that. But I do listen to the music quite a bit, but not as much as some poeple I guess. But these batteries did last for a couple of weeks now and they are fine. There’s the cap and you just kind of, to put it back in place, push and it closes. I don’t think that there are a lot of people know about that, this kind of heading feature of this headphones.
Now the other cool feature is that you can adjust the headphones by the hinges. The hinges are not plastic, they are kindly of metal. So that’s really nice they would not break, you know, as easily as some of those headphones out there. You can see four screws right there for reinforcement. And you can adjust them very easily. I really like that feature.
Now take a look at these pads. Wow, guys the pads are amazing. These are leather. These are, i think one of the best pad i’ve ever felt for headphones. These are extremely soft and when you’re listening with for a long period of time, but your ears still keep cool and very very comfortable. These are extremely extremely soft. I really love these. And you can also see a nice pad right there on the inside. Very nice pad, guys, very very nice. On the top you can see there’s another pad and this one is really awesome over top your head. It feels comfortable and your head does not get hard of wearing this headphones and you know you won’t feel in pain. Very nice pad, I really like this.
The white Beats Studio headphones do sound great, guys. The sound quality is impressive. It is, I think, one of the best headphones I’ve ever heard. The sound quality is very nice and clean. I can hear everything the person is singing clearly. I listen to many different types of music, rap, hip hop, jazz, rock, pretty much, every kind of music. I try all kinds of music on this white Beats Studio and the heapdhones do sound really great. I hear it fine, not a problem at all. One of the biggest complains I have about this Beats Studio is the sound leaking. What’s more, the bass is amazing. The bass quality is amazing. You can feel the bass when you listen to the music. You kind of feel it. Very nice bass on this headphones as well.
$169.00 Beats By Dr. Dre Studio Headphones (White) Free Shipping Your Home
Again, the sound quality is great. The design is great. But the price is pretty expensive. I think you can buy a similar pair of headphones for a much less of price and maybe they sounds better than these. But they probable would not look as good as thse headphones. You can see these are pretty unique looking. If you put them on your head, people will notice these, people will know, wow, that’s the Beats by Dr. Dre. They will get you a lot of attention. You know, stars are wearing them, and everything like that. So these are pretty popular headphones.
Let me just quickly go over these — the sound quality is great, the bass is great, the design is pretty amazing!
good Beats by Dr Dre Studio White Headphones
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